Saturday, December 19, 2009


Lets start with a question: What can be the variation of marks in the result of a test, when a person attempts a test, three times in a row, without any external factor playing at any point of time.

You may say a few percent. like 5-10%. or some more. like, if in first attempt, one gets some 70%, in the next attempt s/he should be scoring between 65-75% or 60-80%. some may argue that it depends: it may depend upon the sincerity of the candidate in each attempt, the time duration, the difficulty level of questions, preparation of the candidate, among other things. Well, please do not assume any difference in any of the parameters, they are same for all the attempts.


For insiders, the phrase 'password type keejie' is not only three words. they are one of those lightly treated dreaded words, which indicates that some 60 poor fellows are going to play a luck game called 'quiz', for some 10% of the subject weightage of a particular subject. all the standard rules apply: there will be strict time limits, there will be un-even distribution of random questions of different level of difficulty, for each quiz taker, and wow.. there is a negative marking too! The poor faculty has to 'create' 50 question from a topic which itself does not have 5 concepts in all! The great levelor in this case is OLT - a so called software made by some college goers, implemented on full scale on production.
In the pic here, you can see that what the password field shows when an attempt to login is made through its online interface. This is one of the many wonders of OLT.

so whats your answer?: read on!!

One of our batchmate took a quiz in a subject, and got a gud 8.8 marks out of ten, but to his hard luck that quiz got cancelled due to the fact that a surprisingly low time of 3 minutes was allocated to attempt 10 questions. immediately after the cancellation, another quiz was carried out, and the guy got 4!
This made him furious, and he demanded his earlier marks to be awarded. The quizmaster in the question offered him another attempt at the quiz. He fall in to the trap, and got zero in this third attempt.

and we call IT reliable!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


To be or not to be
To do or not to do
To see or pretend not to see
Have my cake and eat it too.

The question of ethics intrigues me
Aren't all motives relative?
Who are we to sit in judgement
And decide what is considered normative?

A thief has his own reasons
He may or may not be justified.
All men are assumed innocent
Till they are caught and tried.

If the difference between innocent and guilty
Is getting away and being caught
Why do we throw stones at glass houses
When we also belong to their lot?

Friday, October 23, 2009

Have you ever seen a baby pigeon?

Sometime back, during the first term's end-term papers, a pair of pigeon decided to use the relatively safe space between our hostel room's window and the now dormant cooler. for something unusual.

In the first, there was an increased movement of these lovely creatures around the window area, and due to those necessary-evil-exams, we did not realized, why it was like that. And, to our amazement, a nest was built, with a carefully laid egg was seen by the 3rd or 4th exam.
The next day, second egg was laid.

Niraj, my roommate, being an avid nature caring person, closed the window panes permanently, so that there will be no accidental interference from our side during the whole episode. That actually hindered many of the luxuries that come with freedom of opening and closing the window, but sacrifice won. His knowledge told that if we touch the eggs, the parents in the making will not do their crucial work of upbringing. All our capturing, therefore, are from across the wired-window pane.

Then came the period of speculation, like when will these eggs hatch, will this couple be successful, how will the babies look like... Wikipedia told that it take 7-28 days for hatching, and a similar time for the newborns to get going. but this was a very ambiguous figure. Further information was given by one of my visiting uncle, who told that it'll take around 21 days to hatch, and 21 more for then to start flying.

during this period, when both the parents were working night and day to keep the warmth for the little eggs, we come to know that Gyan had an unsuccessful attempt to join the MessCom. Probable the selectors got the hint of his motive to get an unlimited and unquestioned supply of eggs for birthday bashes. This made us even more suspicious, and we had to take extra case for eggs when Gyan and a birthday were around.
Exactly on 21st day, a few days before Diwali, the first egg disappeared, and a extremely fragile, delicate creature with life-like features was seen. It used to move its peak vertically upwards after long intervals, probably in look for its parents.

Next egg was hatched the day after.

Now a days, we are observing that day-to-day exponential growth of these newborns. Though only a few days old, they are adapting to the rules of world, they have to live in. Their color is also gradually changing, and probably will change to the final version very soon. Now they are also practicing to make some strange sound, sometimes not very nice to ears, which would net into those usual dove's voices.

The day of first fly should be during 2nd-3rd week of November. Lets Hope for the best, till then, let us enjoy living in this lovely kabutar-khana, and you enjoy the weird one.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Guest lecture

Hi Guys,
Need to arrange for Guest lectures.Guys from NCR can take initiative in this.